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Table for Sing Up
Terms of Use of Yonsei University Korean Language Institute

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 [Purpose]

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to stipulate the rights, obligations, and responsibilities, as well as procedures, between the website of the Yonsei University Korean Language Institute (hereinafter referred to as "Korean Language Institute") and its members in using the Korean Language Institute website (hereinafter referred to as "Site").

Article 2 [Definitions]

  1. The definitions of the terms used in these terms and conditions are as follows:
    1. Site: Refers to the website set up by the Korean Language Institute using computer and other information communication equipment to provide services, and where services can be received using a member account (ID and Password) (www.yskli.com).
    2. Member: A person who accesses the Site, agrees to these terms and conditions, provides personal information, registers as a member, and uses the services provided by the Korean Language Institute.
    3. Unique Number (ID): A combination of letters and numbers selected by the member and approved by the Korean Language Institute for member identification and service use.
    4. Password: A combination of letters and numbers selected by the member to protect their privacy during communication.
    5. Course: Educational content provided by the Korean Language Institute to those wishing to enroll.
    6. Tuition: The amount charged on a specific period basis according to the fee structure set separately by the Korean Language Institute as a compensation for using the course.
    7. Enrollment Approval: Approval given to the applicant to use the educational services normally if they meet the requirements set by the Korean Language Institute.
  2. Definitions of terms used in these terms and conditions, except for those defined in paragraph 1, follow the relevant laws and service-specific guidelines.

Article 3 [Effect and Change of Terms and Conditions]

  1. These terms and conditions take effect for all members who wish to use the Site.
  2. The Korean Language Institute shall post these terms and conditions, along with its name, location, representative's name, business registration number, and contact information (telephone, fax, e-mail address, etc.) on the initial service screen of the Site to be easily known by users.
  3. The Korean Language Institute may change these terms and conditions within the scope not violating the regulations of related laws such as the Regulation of Standard Terms Act, Basic Act on Electronic Commerce, Electronic Signature Act, Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Door-to-Door Sales, etc., and the Consumer Protection Act.
  4. If deemed necessary, the Korean Language Institute may change these terms and conditions. In case of changes, the revised terms and conditions and the current terms and conditions will be posted together on the Site with the effective date and reason for the change as specified in Article 8.
  5. The provisions of the revised terms and conditions apply if existing members agree to the changes during the notice period specified in paragraph 4.
  6. If a member does not agree to the revised terms and conditions, they may terminate the service use agreement by withdrawing from the Site. However, if the member does not terminate the use agreement within 30 days after the notification according to paragraph 4, it is considered that they have agreed to the revised terms and conditions.

Article 4 [Guidelines Outside the Terms and Conditions]

  1. Matters not specified in these terms and conditions follow the regulations of the Fair Trade Act and other relevant laws.
  2. Matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions and interpretations of these terms and conditions regarding the service use contract between the Korean Language Institute and the member follow general commercial practices.

Chapter 2: Member Management

Article 5 [Establishment of Website Membership]

  1. Membership is established when the Korean Language Institute accepts the applicant's application.
  2. The applicant can become a member by filling out member information according to the form set by the Korean Language Institute and indicating their consent to these terms and conditions. Membership must be applied for under the real name.
  3. The Korean Language Institute may not accept the application if:
    1. The name is not the real name.
    2. Another person's name is used illegally.
    3. The application form is filled out falsely.
    4. The application is made for the purpose of disturbing social order or public morals.
    5. The applicant does not meet other application requirements set by the Korean Language Institute.
  4. If the membership application is withheld or not accepted according to paragraph 3, the Korean Language Institute shall inform the applicant. However, if it is not possible to notify the applicant due to reasons not attributable to the Korean Language Institute, it is an exception.

Article 6 [Responsibilities and Obligations for Managing Member ID (Unique Number) and Password]

  1. Members must thoroughly manage their ID and Password.
  2. The member is responsible for all consequences arising from negligent management or unauthorized use of their ID and Password.

Article 7 [Changes to Member Information]

Members must correct any changes to the information provided at the time of application using the separately set form and method by the Korean Language Institute.

Article 8 [Notification to Members]

The Korean Language Institute may notify members using the e-mail or SMS provided by the members or other communication means.

Article 9 [Member Withdrawal]

  1. Members may request to withdraw at any time, and the Korean Language Institute shall promptly process the request.
  2. Upon withdrawal, the information provided by the member is immediately destroyed in principle. However, if there is a need to preserve it according to legal provisions, the destruction of member information is postponed as an exception.

Chapter 3: Service Provision and Use

Article 10 [Service Content]

  1. Services provided by the Korean Language Institute are as follows:
    1. Educational services
    2. Various information services provided on affiliated sites with the Korean Language Institute
  2. The Korean Language Institute may add or change the contents of the services if necessary.

Article 11 [Provision of Information]

  1. The Korean Language Institute may provide various information to members via Site screen, e-mail, SMS, or other methods.
  2. The Korean Language Institute may post advertisements on the Site screen, SMS, e-mail, etc., related to service operation.

Article 12 [Copyright of Posted Material]

  1. The copyright of the materials posted by members (including transmission between members) on the Site belongs to the member, and the Korean Language Institute has the right to post it on the Site.
  2. The Korean Language Institute cannot use the posted materials for other purposes without the member's consent.
  3. The Korean Language Institute is not responsible for any civil or criminal liability for posts made by members that infringe on the copyright of others. If the Korean Language Institute receives a claim for damages or an objection from a third party due to such infringement, the member must strive to exonerate the Korean Language Institute, and if the Korean Language Institute is not exonerated, the member must compensate all damages incurred by the Korean Language Institute.
  4. The Korean Language Institute may delete posts made by members who have withdrawn or have been legally terminated.
  5. The copyright of materials created by the Korean Language Institute belongs to the Korean Language Institute.

Chapter 4: Legal Relations between Contracting Parties

Article 13 [Obligations of the Korean Language Institute]

  1. The Korean Language Institute shall not disclose or distribute the personal information of members learned in connection with the provision of services without their consent. However, this does not apply if there is a legal procedure according to legal provisions.
  2. The Korean Language Institute shall publicly announce and comply with the personal information protection policy.
  3. The Korean Language Institute shall promptly handle opinions or complaints raised by users if they are objectively recognized as just. However, if immediate processing is difficult, the reason and processing schedule must be communicated to the user.

Article 14 [Obligations of Members]

  1. Members must fill out all items based on the facts with their real name during the membership application or change of member information. If false or other people's information is registered, no rights can be claimed.
  2. Members must comply with these terms and conditions, other regulations set by the Korean Language Institute, notices, and related laws and regulations. They must not interfere with the business of the Korean Language Institute or damage its reputation.
  3. Members must not engage in the following acts when using the services:
    1. Registering false information or illegally using another member's ID and Password during application or changes.
    2. Copying, distributing, or commercially using information obtained through the services of the Korean Language Institute without prior consent.
    3. Damaging or disadvantaging others.
    4. Posting obscene materials on bulletin boards or linking to obscene sites.
    5. Infringing the copyrights of the Korean Language Institute or third parties.
    6. Distributing information, sentences, figures, sounds, etc., that violate public order or morals.
    7. Registering or distributing computer virus infection data that causes malfunction or destruction of related facilities or information.
    8. Intentionally interfering with the service operation or transmitting information that may hinder the stable operation of the services.
    9. Impersonating others or falsely specifying the relationship with others.
    10. Collecting, storing, or disclosing personal information of other members.
    11. Distributing false information for the purpose of financial gain or causing damage to others.
    12. Changing information posted on the services.
    13. Transmitting or posting information (including computer programs) prohibited by law.
    14. Posting or sending emails impersonating employees or operators of the Korean Language Institute or using another person's name.
    15. Posting or sending emails containing software viruses or other computer codes, files, or programs designed to interfere with the normal operation of computer software, hardware, telecommunications equipment.
    16. Harassing or threatening other members.
    17. Collecting or storing personal information of other members without their consent.
    18. Other acts violating related laws.

Article 15 [Suspension of Service Provision]

  1. The Korean Language Institute may temporarily suspend the provision of services in case of maintenance, replacement, or breakdown of information communication facilities such as computers, or communication disruption. In this case, the Korean Language Institute shall notify the member by the method specified in Article 8.
  2. If service provision is suspended due to reasons beyond the Korean Language Institute's control, such as intentional or gross negligence of members or natural disasters, the Korean Language Institute is not liable for damages.

Article 16 [Change and Termination of Services]

The Korean Language Institute may change all or part of the services it provides if necessary.
If the services are to be terminated, the Korean Language Institute shall notify members by the method specified in Article 8 one month before the service termination.

Article 17 [Dispute Resolution]

  1. The Korean Language Institute and members shall make all efforts to resolve any disputes arising from the service amicably.
  2. If disputes are not resolved amicably, they shall be submitted to the Seoul Central District Court for litigation.

Chapter 5: Use of Educational Services

Article 18 [Course Registration and Effectiveness]

  1. Applicants for course registration can apply through the course registration procedure set by the Korean Language Institute.
  2. Applicants for course registration must apply using their real names.
  3. Course registration takes effect when the Korean Language Institute approves the application of the applicant who wishes to register.

Article 19 [Course Registration Restrictions]

  1. If a student engages in any of the following acts, the Korean Language Institute may issue a first warning, and for the second offense, restrict the student from taking all future courses at the Korean Language Institute.
    1. Acts that disrupt the learning environment
    2. Acts of assault, threats, abuse, or other similar harmful actions towards the instructor
    3. Acts of assault, threats, abuse, or other similar harmful actions towards other students
  2. If a student receives the measures specified in paragraph 1, they can file a written objection within 7 days after notification. If they do not object within this period, they can no longer raise objections to the measures.

Article 20 [Tuition Fees]

  1. Members who wish to use the educational services must pay tuition fees.
  2. he tuition fees, payment methods, and payment periods under paragraph 1 are as follows:
    1. Tuition fees are based on the fee structure set by the Korean Language Institute and the prices announced on the website.
    2. Tuition fees are paid to the designated bank and account specified by the Korean Language Institute.
    3. The payment period ends on the last day of course registration.
  3. If an individual uses the educational services under their name and an entity such as a corporation to which the individual belongs pays the tuition, the member name must be the real name of the member using the service, and the payment responsibility is jointly borne by both the service-using member and the entity to which the member belongs.
  4. Entities such as corporations that pay the tuition fees must submit a copy of their business registration certificate by fax, mail, or in person.

Article 21 [Issuance of Invoice]

For the issuance of an invoice related to the payment of tuition fees, the applicant must immediately submit a copy of their business registration certificate to the Korean Language Institute by fax, mail, or in person.

Article 22 [Payment Methods]

The methods for paying tuition fees include bank transfer, account transfer, or other payment methods recognized by the Korean Language Institute.

Article 23 [Course Approval]

The Korean Language Institute approves course registration upon confirmation of tuition payment to the designated bank and account specified by the Korean Language Institute.

Article 24 [Course Cancellation and Refund Application]

  1. You can apply for course cancellation/refund within the course cancellation period.
  2. After the course cancellation period has passed, you cannot apply for course cancellation/refund.
  3. Course cancellation/refund applications must be made in person by the applicant.
  4. When a registered applicant who has paid the tuition fee applies for a refund, they must specify the designated bank and account to receive the refund in the application documents.

Article 25 [Completion Confirmation]

The processing of course completion for students is handled according to the standards and procedures set by the Korean Language Institute.

Chapter 6: Compensation for Damages, etc.

Article 26 [Compensation for Damages]

  1. If a member violates these terms and conditions and causes damage to the Korean Language Institute, the violating member must compensate for all damages incurred by the Korean Language Institute.
  2. If the Korean Language Institute receives damage claims or lawsuits from third parties due to illegal activities or violations of these terms and conditions by a member in the use of services, the member must indemnify the Korean Language Institute at their own responsibility and expense. If the Korean Language Institute is not indemnified, the member must compensate for all damages incurred by the Korean Language Institute.

Article 27 [Disclaimer]

  1. The Korean Language Institute is exempt from responsibility for providing educational services if it is impossible to provide services due to force majeure such as natural disasters or equivalent.
  2. The Korean Language Institute is not responsible for disadvantages caused by reasons attributable to the member or student.
  3. The Korean Language Institute is not obligated to intervene in disputes arising between members or students and third parties using the educational services as a medium, and is not responsible for any resulting damages.

Article 28 [Jurisdiction]

Lawsuits concerning disputes arising between the Korean Language Institute and members are governed by the provisions on jurisdiction under the Civil Procedure Act.

Consent to Collect and Use Personal Information

The Korean Language Institute of Yonsei University would like to collect and use your personal information as follows:

● Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

To manage website membership registration

● Items of Personal Information to be Collected

Username, password, last name (in English), first name (in English), date of birth, nationality, email address

● Retention Period of Personal Information

6 months

● Right to Refuse Consent and Associated Disadvantages

You have the right to refuse the collection and use of your personal information. However, if you refuse to consent to the collection of essential information, membership registration will be restricted.

Table for Sing Up
英字の姓 *
英字の名前 *
国籍 *
性別 *
生年月日 *
メールアドレス *
認証コード * 認証コードのリクエスト
パスワード *
パスワード確認 *


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